The Emerald Ash Borer is Threatening Your Trees

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

A tree that has been treated for Emerald Ash Borer (right) compared to one that has not.

Unfortunately the time has come to make some tough calls about the trees on your property. The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has finally arrived in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The pest has been slowly making its way across the state, finally arriving when it was first discovered in an apartment complex in Warrington in 2012. Since then the EAB has been found in other area trees and parks (although it is believed to have not yet crossed the river into New Jersey). While many Ash trees in the Southeastern Pennsylvania may not yet be infected, it is only a matter of time. Unfortunately, Ash trees make up nearly 20 percent of the local tree population in Bucks County.

Originally a pest from Asia, the EAB is believed to have arrived in wood used in shipping crates. The initial site of infestation was in Michigan. This invasive species is widely considered to be one of the most destructive forest pests ever to come to North America. In the end, the total costs to the country, particularly to states and municipalities, could total in the billions.


Protecting Your Ash Trees

If you have Ash trees on your property, it is best to assume that the insect is nearby and likely to strike at any point. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect the trees on your property. The first step is to have a Certified Arborist check the trees and make sure that they are good candidate for preservation. If your trees fit the bill, there are a few different courses of treatment available, including soil applications, bark sprays, and tree injections. The Arborist will make this determination based on the timeframe and current state of each individual tree.

When treating for the EAB, it is best to start preventive treatment as early as possible. Infestations by this pest generally do not show symptoms until the problem has progressed significantly. The EAB larvae destroy the tree by slowly damaging its ability to transport water to the leaves. This can take place over the course of years.


An Ash Tree Guarantee

Peter Benz Landscaping also offers a guarantee for Ash trees treated using the TREE-äge® product. If your Ash tree dies from an EAB infestation while under guarantee, you will be refunded your EAB treatment cost(s) for up to the previous four years.

  • We will deliver treatments using research tested products using the most up to date protocols to provide for optimal effectiveness.
  • We will visually inspect your protected tree(s) every 1-2 years to examine for evidence of Emerald Ash Borer infestation. This inspection may take place at the time of re- treatment. We are available to look at your tree at any time should you be concerned about its condition.
  • This guarantee is fully transferable to a new property owner.


Making the Tough Call

Unfortunately not every tree can be saved or should be preserved. A consultation with your Certified Arborist can help you make the best decision about the trees on your property. The Arborist can also consult with you on a management and removal plan for trees that cannot be preserved. Additionally, they can advise you on what to do with the wood from infected trees, as there are regulations and guidelines in place to prevent the spread of this disease.

Contact Peter Benz Landscaping today to protect the valuable Ash trees on your property.

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