How to Control White Pine Weevil with Soil Injections

Soil Injections to treat Pine Weevil tree damage in Bucks County If your Bucks County property is especially rich in trees and topiary – mature white pines, perhaps, or maybe spruce or fir trees – chances are better than average that you’ve already put a fair amount of time and money into maintaining your investment. So what could possibly be worse than watching your trees being literally destroyed from the top down?

Unfortunately, that’s an all-too-common occurrence for property owners in Bucks County and a number of other regions in Eastern Pennsylvania, where a devilish little pest known as the white pine weevil attacks and subsequently kills the tops of trees each year.

Read more about How to Control White Pine Weevil with Soil Injections

The Emerald Ash Borer is Threatening Your Trees

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

A tree that has been treated for Emerald Ash Borer (right) compared to one that has not.

Unfortunately the time has come to make some tough calls about the trees on your property. The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has finally arrived in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The pest has been slowly making its way across the state, finally arriving when it was first discovered in an apartment complex in Warrington in 2012. Since then the EAB has been found in other area trees and parks (although it is believed to have not yet crossed the river into New Jersey). While many Ash trees in the Southeastern Pennsylvania may not yet be infected, it is only a matter of time. Unfortunately, Ash trees make up nearly 20 percent of the local tree population in Bucks County. Read more about The Emerald Ash Borer is Threatening Your Trees

Preventive Tree Injections

As a resident in Bucks County, you are at a high risk for losing trees due to many different pests and diseases that we are prone to in our area. The loss of a tree can result in thousands of dollars in removal fees and a decreased property value. Peter Benz Landscaping uses ArborJet tree injections to prevent any damage from diseases and pests like the Emerald Ash Borer, the Woolly Adelgid and Oak Wilt.Tree Injection- Peter Benz

What are the symptoms of an infected tree?

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive pest that attacks ash trees. If you have an infected ash tree on your property you may notice dead branches, thinning of the upper part of the tree and splitting bark. As of 2012, a total of 32 counties in Pennsylvania, including Bucks County, were infested with the EAB and the rest of the state was named a quarantine zone.

Read more about Preventive Tree Injections