Pennsylvania has been noted to be one of the top states in the nation of the most reported Lyme disease cases. This primarily non-fatal disease affects thousands of Pennsylvania residents each year. It is spread through deer tick bites, often transported onto suburban and rural lawns by white-tailed deer. Peter Benz Landscaping installs deer fencing and provides additional tick control services that can be a crucial step in Lyme disease prevention. Although it’s very important to also be aware of any possible symptoms associated with the disease.
Make sure you and your family are aware of the following symptoms Lyme disease may cause and contact your physician right away if you notice any sign.
Early Symptoms: These can occur within a month after being infected with Lyme disease.
• Rash: This is the most vital and obvious symptom associated with Lyme disease. A small, red bump may appear at the site of the tick bite, although a red bump associated with a tick bite doesn’t necessarily mean it’s Lyme disease. But, if the redness increases over the next few days, forming a bulls-eye pattern it is a serious sign of a Lyme disease infection. Some people may develop this rash in several different places on their body.
• Flu-like Symptoms: You want to keep an eye out for feelings like: fever, chills, fatigue, body aches and a headache (usually associated with the bulls-eye rash).
Later Symptoms: Several weeks to months after being infected you may notice some of these symptoms.
• Joint Problems: You may notice outbreaks of severe joint pain and swelling, especially in your knees. The pain can shift back and forth between different joints.
• Neurological Problems: Some serious issues may occur weeks, months or even years after you have been infected. These issues may be inflammation of your brain membranes (meningitis), temporary paralysis of one side of your face (Bell’s palsy), numbness or weakness of your limbs and impaired muscle movement.
Don’t let anyone in your family come in contact with any infected deer ticks. By taking advantage of tick control services, you can avoid the dangers and threats of Lyme disease. Contact Peter Benz Landscaping to have one of our experienced tick control technicians install the right tools to decrease the population and prevent the spread of Lyme disease on and around your Bucks County property.