The Only Effective Deer Repellent

Deer Repellent Bucks CountyThere’s really no debating it — deer are beautiful, graceful animals. Whether in the woods or in a suburban setting, the sight of them nearly always inspires awe and delight.

And yet the unfortunate truth is that wild deer aren’t always the gentle creatures we see in nature programs on television. In fact, they often bring ruin in their wake.

Why would you want to guard your property from deer?

  • Deer often destroy gardens, orchards and nurseries in their quest for food.
  • Disease prevention! Deer often play host to ticks, which infect thousands of people every year in Pennsylvania with Lyme disease.

Deer cause millions of dollars worth of property and land damage each year. That’s why it’s in everyone’s interest to safely and humanely keep deer away from our property.

Read more about The Only Effective Deer Repellent